Join Max Kuhn, expert statistician and software engineer at RStudio for a 3-day immersive hands-on workshop in Machine Learning aboard Research Vessel Garvin! Workshop participation will be capped at 8 people allowing for unparalleled small group instruction. Workshop sessions will take place in the salon on Research Vessel Garvin and with break out sessions to enjoy the beautiful tropical environment of south Florida including a sunset cruise and opportunity to snorkel.
Evenings aboard R/V Garvin will include informal practice and discussion sessions allowing participants to maximize their learning and one-on-one time with a world renowned statistician and expert in using R for supervised learning and predictive modeling. This style of learning is ideal for mastering complex skills, giving participants plenty of time to process information, practice new techniques, and ask questions. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets and will have opportunities to work on their own projects and troubleshoot with the instructor. |
Proceeds from this workshop program will be used by our non-profit partners Blue Backyard Miami and Terranaut Club to fund marine science education opportunities and scholarships for low-income students! |
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